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Sustainable Organizational Change Management

We recently published a blog on the value organizational change management (OCM) delivers. It resulted  in the following questions:

  • How do you know OCM delivers value? Can its value be measured?
  • Assuming “you get what you measure”, can we institutionalize the measures to ensure sustainable behavior and sustainable value?

In our prior post, we tackled the first question. If you have not read this blog,  I encourage you to read it as it sets the foundation for institutionalizing the measures that drive sustainable behavior and value. The values commonly associated with OCM were introduced. They are:

  • Accelerating the speed of adoption and,
  • Creating sustainability of the behaviors and benefits in the future state.

In addition, we presented:

  • Four types of measures commonly used to assess OCM’s value
  • Specifics regarding what is measured by each type
  • Measurement metrics
  • Strengths and weaknesses of each type of measure

Today we share how we can institutionalize these measures so they become part of an organization’s fabric, the way an organization does business, shapes how people behave, and how their use creates sustainability.

At its most basic level, the institutionalization of these measures results from the process used to create them. The process requires:

  • Early and active involvement of multiple audiences that will use and supply the measures (e.g. operations, finance, sales, HR, PMO, sponsors, leadership etc.). The impact assessment can be a starting point and valuable tool to identify and track these audiences and their role in the measures development process.
  • A base level understanding of OCM and the mechanics of how it drives behavior.
  • An understanding of the current measures used to operate the business.
  • An understanding of the sustainable behaviors and points of resistance that are critical in producing the future state benefits.

The process includes these steps:

  • Introduce OCM’s value and the measures to ensure that value
  • Identify and involve the users and suppliers in formal workshops and kick off activities
  • Include these measures as part of the formal go, no-go processes
  • Resolve conflicts with measures and accountabilities in use today
  • Integrate and align with Human Resources
  • Integrate and align with audit processes and checklists
  • Ensure project leadership understands the importance these measures and the active role they play in their creation
  • Obtain Leadership’s sign off
  • Include formal training for all key stakeholders on the connection between behaviors, sustainability, and their role in driving these behaviors

While this process may appear to require considerable upfront effort, our experience tells us that if repeated early on  with the right players the measures will be adopted censure  and result in the long-term behavior and sustainability that produces the future state benefits.

We would love to answer any questions you have, discuss how you might leverage our experience to accelerate the process, and show you how we can help you increase the sustainable value of OCM in your organization. Contact us at to learn more.

Steve MacGill, Consultant Advisory Board Member, The CARA Group

Author Steve MacGill, Consultant Advisory Board Member, The CARA Group

Steve MacGill is an independent management consultant, advisor and freelance writer with over 25 years of experience in Organizational Change Management (OCM) and Leadership. He serves on CARA's Consulting Advisory Board and is a frequent contributor to our Blog on OCM-related topics such as change resiliency, building OCM competency, increasing OCM value, as well as the human side of change.

More posts by Steve MacGill, Consultant Advisory Board Member, The CARA Group